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Climate has always changed since the beginning of Earth. How do we know that? Because scientists did their job and documented all the previous climate cycles. However, this time around, the scenario is different. This Climate Change cycle is not the result of a natural cause as it was in the past (change in the earth axis, orbit, volcanoes activities or solar activity). This cycle has been artificially triggered and is sustained by mainly our burning of fossil fuels.


This artificial climate change cycle does not only differ because of its origin, but also because of its path: the rate of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere is more rapid than for any previous cycles. After the last ice age 20,000 years ago, average global temperature rose by about 3°C to 8°C, over a period of about 10,000 years. Current global temperature has increased by about 1°C compared to pre-industrial time (pre-1750). This speed in itself jeopardizes the ability of ecosystems and wildlife to adapt, which could lead to their abrupt collapses.


However, if we and generations before us are responsible for triggering this cycle, we also have the power and technology to reverse this trend and to create a zero emission economy, a world with cleaner air, cleaner water and preserved biodiversity and ecosystems.


Below you will find 3-minute videos presenting what the World will look like if we do not eliminate our greenhouse gas emissions.


Report of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change's report on a World at 1,5°C warming (published in October 2018)


International open letter from over 25,000 scientists from 184 countries: World's scientists warming to Humanity (published in December 2017)



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